Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not again!

I'm upset with myself, I really have to learn the word NO and be more assertive!

I got a phone call today, didn't recognize the # and was not going to answer but double guessed my instinct....

It was Uncle Troy.... His new son arrived today, 2 days ahead of the scheduled c-section. Mother and baby are doing great. Jacob, 6lbs 11oz.

... And then comes the true reason for the call.... Can you babysit the other 3(horrible, misbehaving, toy stealing, book destroying) children till Martha comes home..... ummmm NO!!!!! Well I wish I had said that no but instead I said the only day I can babysit is tomorrow... then he said he'll drop them off at 5am...(What!! 5am!! %$#@&) ... Fine see ya in the morning...

I'm going to tell Troy, he is going to look after the rabbits when we go away for a week in August! It's only fair... actually I think he'll be getting off light. Oh well.... Wish me luck, hopefully Mike won't come home to a blubbering fool, needing a nice long stay in the Mental ward...

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